sabato 2 giugno 2012

eni versalis, universalis

Why does a rebranding ad in the chemical industry seem dollcultural? Because of its "new face" concept. Because of the stuff used: all plastic pieces kinda making a mosaic. Because some of those pieces look like doll parts. And because of the seductive renaming: Polimerieuropa becomes eni versalis (and, ambitiously reading, sounds similar to “universalis”).
Perché mai un annuncio sul riposizionamento nell’industria chimica sa di dollculturale? Per il concetto di "nuovo volto”. Per i materiali usati:  tutti pezzi di plastica a formare una specie di mosaico. Perché alcuni di quei pezzi hanno l’aria di parti di bambola. E per il renaming seducente: Polimerieuropa diventa eni versalis (e, ad un’ambiziosa lettura, suona simile a “universalis”).

2 commenti:

Jasmine ha detto...

This is a very interesting advertisement indeed. Versalis. Thats how I came to your blog.
I don't speak italian though so will miss out on your other posts!

Doll Cult-ure ha detto...

welcome, Jasmine, and thank you. This is a bilingual blog, so you won't miss my other posts, provided that the dollcultural theme is interesting to you!

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