Again a commistion between my professional and my dollcultural side. The occasion? When we headed for a briefing on site to a wonderful, minimal space called InKichenLoft: the location chosen for our next marketing event. There we’ll hold in a few days a foodblogger contest – please note, male foodbloggers, or heroes if you prefer, and socialmediatic animals very active online. Their challenge is the second one in the Snello Blind Box series, where blogger must create something original based on mystery ingredients one of which is for sure a Snello Rovagnati product such as ham, turkey, bresaola…
So, we had our briefing on site, equipment and
timing check, Q&A session with the staff… and a collateral dollcultural
shooting, since I now tend to have a doll as an alterego in these missions. A
doll is still something unusual and memorable in a foodie enviromment. And I’m
taking advantage of this. She – a MOD looking Momoko doll this time - does her graceful
part of branding.
E così, abbiamo fatto
il nostro briefing on site, controllo attrezzature e tempistica, domande e
risposte con lo staff… e, a margine, una sessione fotografica dollculturale, visto
che ultimamente tendo ad avere una bambolina come alter ego in qste uscite. Una bambola è ancora qlcosa di insolito in un
ambiente foodie, quindi la si ricorda. Io ne approfitto. Lei - una Momoko dall’aria
MOD, stavolta - fa la sua graziosa parte di branding.
official hashtag: #snellobb01
ph Br1dotcom! Grazie!